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CLOSED: Cyborg TurboCharger * NOT AVAILABLE *

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4000 Post Club
Thread Starter #21
The company is "place that I work for". Sorry, but dealing with people calling and questions and confusion and customer service, its all thing I deal with. Part of my deal with the shop is that they JUST BUILD THE TURBOS. Everything else is on me. I'll ask about Warranty. I will say that it is insanely super crazy to see an issue that is not caused by common mistakes by the user. Lack on inlet flow, restriction eat up thrust bearings, trash from engine failures of old turbo failures in the feedline cause bearing failures. Forgetting to pre-oil the turbo before starting the engine (priming) can cause bearing wear.

But these turbos are custom machined by hand, balanced by one man on one machine, hand assembled.

Other than damaging the turbine during install or sucking debris into the compressor wheel or failure to the prime the turbo on install, there really is not much to fail.

Other wise... I'll ask for a set time/mileage. Even if YOU DAMAGE the turbo, we'll do everything in our power to get you fixed and back up at the lowest cost possible.

I'll also say that turbos are warrantied based on an inspection. Its like murder, there is always a way to deal WHY a turbo failed. Its not they are just in a box and we ship them, if it has an issue, we are going to see it before it leaves.

But just to have a number, I'll ask and post when I get that info :)

Between these basically being new cars and hand built parts, its going to take a freak of something crazy to see a failure.


1000 Post Club
Bay Area
Call pumaspeeds phone number, ask them for the phone number to the machinist that builds their turbos.
But Pumaspeed is the company selling the turbo.

So are you saying you are an individual selling these turbos? What's the warranty? Who is the warranty through?

Is payment through you, or through the mysterious company you work for?

I'm asking for more information and all I get is you responding defensively. Why is that?


1000 Post Club
Bay Area
No offense, but the way you scrutinize every thread and post makes you sound like a D. Maybe that's why he is "defensive".
I'm asking totally normal and relevant questions. I enjoy information over ambiguity.

If that makes me a douchebag in your eyes, so be it.


2000 Post Club
Not discounting the validity of your questions, just the way you present them.
No matter how nicely questions are asked or ideas are presented, the responses are still the same or non-existent-maybe you missed the other thread. This deal is supposed to be very transparent and something good for the members, but there is constant push-back from questions or requests that are made by certain knowledgeable members. Where's the transparency if legitimate questions are completely disregarded or have to be so repeatedly requested as to get a response?

Some questions may need additional research or are not readily answered, but how many times should the same questions have to be asked 'nicely' in order to receive a response? Don't forget that a lot of miscommunication through the internet/forums/texts is misconstrued due to the insanity to convey emotion. If you don't apply emotion to the words you're reading then you see something clearer and can understand a bit deeper.


1000 Post Club
Royal Oak
Being someone that owns his own company i completely understand. I i had my full time job making parts for me and i sold them then i would sell them trough my company you call me you email me you deal with me you pay me and you go after me if i tried to screw you over. This is all fair questions. I like the idea that someone is trying make new products for our cars but there needs to be more info for that kinda money. I have have over 500 plus turbos in my hands one way or another and 1000 ways to die customers and manufactures fault. When you spin 200,000rpm life ends quick.



4000 Post Club
Thread Starter #30
I'm bored. And not that I feel like its anyones business REALLY, but here is the story....

Once apron a time.... There was a turbo shop. It started as a small business to supplement a retirement, out of a home garage. This business grew due to quality work and far better pricing than big turbo companies for rebuilds. It also grew because the owner wasn't just into installing new seals/bearings and charging people tons of money. He also was not a fan of just trashing a turbo because one part of it was wrong because it was EASIER to just sell them a new turbo for a similar profit ( all be it higher cost to the customer ). My luck... It happened to be located 10miles from my home.
I had a Subaru wrx stock turbo tdo4H-13g. It worked ok. I left the turbo off to fix a charge pipe, over about 4 days time. I reinstalled the turbo, and 7 miles later, the turbine shaft ate the bearing and the compressor wheel impacted the housing ( as did the turbine). Now, this was 14 years ago. Wrx turbo's did not grow on trees. And just like the fist, Subaru was NOT interested with selling me just a compressor wheel, nor was mistu. I believe mistu quoted me $800 for the wheel and it was like 4-6weeks out. The turbo shop laughed at this. They machined a spacer for the turbine shaft to fit a 50-trim garrett compressor wheel ( extremely common compressor wheel ). They machined the compressor housing. They rebuilt the turbo. The clipped the turbine shaft which removed the damage from hitting the housing. I pay'd an extremely fair $450 to fix a turbo that was basically not-fixable or easily replaced.

I was happy to just have a working turbo again. To my very big surprise, the car ran incredibly, insanely better/ faster. Actually.... It ran so much faster it over powered the *cough*honda*cough* block that it was attached to. Lol.

Fast forward to the SRT4. I buy it. First place I visit? The now SHOP ( no longer house garage ) of the turbo builder. He tells me that I'm screwed with that car because dodge refuses to open up the ecu. I ask "experts" on the srt4 forums and they all say the stock turbo is not able to be modified and that no matter what, it will not make more than 300whp ( this was early in the srt4 platform days ). I was basically laughed off srtforums.com.
I buy a useless stock srt4 turbo for $200 because.... Its useless according the experts (cough AGP cough ). Turbo shop bores the inlet. Sources a stock evo compressor wheel ( which is critical because mistu refused to sell us reverse rotation compressor wheels ). Takes the stock tdo4LR-15 and fits TD05LR-16G ( the fact its from a larger family of turbos means huge size difference ). Clips the turbine. I port the stock manifold. Starting to sound familiar ? I'm the first guy to do any of this. Everyone says its not going to be effective and they want see dynos.... I finally fight the ecu into a decent tune ( this was way before diablo tuners etc ). Makes 354whp and 407tq at the wheels on the stock intercooler with race gas. People on the forums refute the results, complain. 1 year later, the turbo shop is building turbo's for 2 different srtforum vendors and builts $90,000 worth of modified stock srt4 turbochargers. At the same time, this turbo shop is firing on all cylinders and life is good for them.

"Tickle down economics"
People do not HAVE TO SPEND MONEY ON TURBOS AND DYNO TUNING. People start losing there houses, marriages, minds.

They close up shop because a world class turbocharger shop has little local money coming in is a town full of native swamp donkeys (like me). The overhead simply is too much for the lack of business. We are 50 miles from Orlando, 50miles from Tampa. We specialize in old people waiting to die, and painting 30mph speed limit signs around here.

Fast forward to Nov 2013. I buy a ford fiesta ST and 15 hours after I buy it. I hunt down the owner of the turbo shop. "I need your help". He replies, "I'm out the game. I sold all my equipment. Balencers, lathe, welders, parts inventory, all of it. I can't make a reasonable profit off turbochargers". So be it.

Fast forward to a week or so of ATP releasing their big turbo kit videos.

A close friend of mine that drives a syclone calls my shop.... "Guess who's back in bizz". I eagerly stop into the shop. Although.... I'm kind of disappointed. "Car/ truck repair, AC systems etc".

Ummmmm where are the turbo chargers?

Turbos don't pay the bills. Everyone has a car/ truck. Rarely do people require turbo servicing.

The shop is outfitted to do all the same work with turbochargers, just on a much smaller scale. Its primarily a basic repair shop with 2 employees ( one is the owner). Brand new state of the art balencer. Brand new lathe. Building ecoboost F-150 turbo upgrades and fiat 500 turbo upgrades. I ask about the fiesta AGAIN....

We make a deal. Either he can build me a turbocharger and that's it. Or... I can deal with the phone calls, customers, most of the shipping/ receiving and he take CASH and with that, he will build me ( and me only if your wondering, lol ) as many turbos as I walk upto his door with. He does turbocharger work for local industrial places and repair shops. He doesn't even have internet at the shop. He doesn't have an email address. He doesn't even have voice messages, lol. We have 2 guys at the shop day to day unless I'm there working. We can't spend 3 hours of 16 man-hours per day talking on the phone or answering emails or arguing on internet forums. This is why I have a job.

My 9 to 5 (more like 5am to 2:30pm) I am a tech of 14 years at a small yet epic little place called Publix supermarkets inc which is based in my home town made up of swamp people and "god's waiting room" people. I make reasonable with reasonable benefits with epic retirement. Which really means I live a modest life ( no built evos or Z06's or $1500 coil overs ) and I maybe able to retire by the time I'm 85 years old ( at this rate of government spending ). I now work 2 jobs to support 100% of myself and 70% of my ex-wife, lol. I have 4 kids. So time for dynos and time to just drive around killing dinosaurs tuning till 3am is not something I get a lot of. I'm including some this personal stuff some maybe some people may better understand why this was not developed, installed, tested, tuned, dyno'd over night.

Neo: "you didn't answer the question"
The architect: "quiet right, interesting, that was faster than the others"

No... I'm still not going to revel the name of this shop. I'm holding up my part of the deal. He builds turbos for me and only me at a set price. I deal with you sexy boys so he can run his business that pays the rent ( the auto repairs). Its not from fear of someone by-passing me to cut me out. Its not to hide their poor name. Its simply to make sure my side of the deal is up held and he is left to BUILD TURBOCHARGERS and build turbochargers ONLY ( not sell, market or talk on the phone about ). OK OK.... Sometimes he's working on his 600+ cubic inch twin turbo 3500HP mustang, lol.


3000 Post Club
U.S. Air Force Veteran
Auburn, AL, USA
Man, you guys are hawks. Give them time to get it all situated and I'm sure all will be revealed.


1000 Post Club
Royal Oak
Man, you guys are hawks. Give them time to get it all situated and I'm sure all will be revealed.
I hope it does. Being in his shoes more than once i just hope he gets a company name, facebook page, email, and phone number that people can contact the man that is responsible for the cyborg turbo is all were asking.

But being in his shoes like this. If his company is not willing to really have his back and do this with putting there name on it what kind of product is it. Also I will never again stick my neck out to profit someone that doesnt have my back either its never worth it. You dont know me or know my past. If they wont put there name out there or you dont put a company name on it i cant imagine to many people jumping on board. I hope it work out for you. Ever good man starts small.



4000 Post Club
Thread Starter #34
Being someone that owns his own company i completely understand. I i had my full time job making parts for me and i sold them then i would sell them trough my company you call me you email me you deal with me you pay me and you go after me if i tried to screw you over. This is all fair questions. I like the idea that someone is trying make new products for our cars but there needs to be more info for that kinda money. I have have over 500 plus turbos in my hands one way or another and 1000 ways to die customers and manufactures fault. When you spin 200,000rpm life ends quick.
And i agree with you on this as well. I personally was foolish because I had other things I should been spending money on, but I dumped my income tax money to a "company" called "just-performance" out of still-water, OK ( yes, the place kicker speakers is based ). I gave them $600 for "adaptor plates" to adapt a td05h-14b turbo charger to the front and rear banks of a 3S ( aka twin turbo stealth and 3000GT vr4 ). I also gave them $800 to supply me with two good working td04H-14b turbos that were issue free garenteed. This was to replace the td04-9b's. Its like going from 340whp of turbos to 600+whp of turbos.

They supplied one kit of a list of 15 that pre-paid. Then.... Disappeared. Only thing I got was screwed. It was a shop. It had a name. It had a mailing address. No one ever got ANYTHING.

So if I told you the shop and you wrote them and check and they disappeared with you "whatever". From 1-2-8 states away... What would you be willing to do to get back..... $750? What could you really do? Get a lawyer ? (Why do you think I'm broke, lol ). If anyone took you money over the internet and closed there accounts and moved out... What could you do??... Knowing the name of this little place would do you little good. Now..... $5000 ? Ok... That maybe worth chasing.

That being said, I think I've proven I'm not someone here that is here since last week and don't even own this car.... I do it for me ( yes I get paid), I do it for the platform ( everyone goes faster, I go faster in the end ), and I do it because its awesome and if i had to do ONE JOB for supplemental income, this would be it ? Not so much porting manifolds, lol ).



4000 Post Club
Thread Starter #35
My posts are still on the srt4 forum :) same screen name :)

I truly hate to be "that guy", but for say $1500 (with shipping both ways), I'm $400 off of a 300+whp setup GTX2860 shipped to my door.. If it were a tad cheaper, and once some more finalized #'s came in I'd consider it!



4000 Post Club
Thread Starter #38
GT I know where your at :)
Think is... That $1900 has lots of small things that add up and they are RIGHT NOW things, not "as you go" things. Also... Not everyone wants 300whp ( me for example).

Port the manifold yourself ( going to have to do it to the ATP kit as well ). Then its $900 and DONE.

ATP REQUIRES a BOV setup ( they are not free, and it goes on the cold side pipe and you can't weld plastic ).
ATP REQUIRES without a doubt a tune RIGHT NOW. Randy is asking about $400-$500 I think ( which is fair).
What's that? Your AC stopped working? Good luck with that at the ford dealer, lol.

So I see your point and it is ( and has been ) a reasonable one. But what your REALLY comparing apples to apples is... $900 vs $2500 give/take.

Sure... The ATP makes more power, always will. I can't afford $2500 all at one time, and I'm not alone.

I don't really want 300whp. And I'm not alone.

I'd like to keep at least some parts of my warranty, and I'm not alone.

Also... Stock turbo looks... Stock. So... What sounds worse? I got beat buy a stock turbo'd focus ST in my big turbo fiesta ST. Or I got beat by a stock turbo focus ST with my stock turbo fiesta ST. Lol.
You can plug in any car where "focus st" is, lol.

I can't comment for or against the drivability of a garrett or efr powered fist, but... Its a 1.6L. Add real lag ( like vacuum to 10psi lag ) instead of minor lag (5psi to 26psi) and you could end up with a car that's not much fun to daily drive. But that's foreshadowing on my part.



4000 Post Club
Thread Starter #39
But man... A big turbo fiesta
ST would/will be a wicked crazy ride on 28psi garrett style (yea, they are running that kind of boost ).


1000 Post Club
Bay Area
Ok, so first of all, I will spare everybody a story of my time working in the industry because personally I think people on the internetz could give zero f's.

I 100% get it Sourskittle. Totally understand what you are doing. I've been there, done that. Totally get it. Hopefully this is clear.

I'm asking the questions because nobody else is. I want to understand things. I want the data. I get time is time and it takes time, however you said you where going to be transparent and my questions are just met with defensive replies.

I understand you don't want to name the place that is making the turbos, so if you do not, then my question was, who is the point of contact, questions, support on this turbo. Is it you? If it is, that's great. Own up to it instead of dancing around the question. That is all I ask.

I'm totally behind supporting this grass root effort. I know time is money and money is time. I hope my measly $50 to get you dyno time is a sign of support.

Am I giving you a bit of a hard time with my teasing? Yes, but please understand it is because you are defensive to my questions. I've worked and been in this industry long enough where I do not have time for anything that remotely looks like BS. I'm trying to trim the signal to noise ratio.

I also 100% understand that some people want to look stock while making big horsepower. My roots are in California smog nazi epicenter and in Mitsubishis. The core tenet of that camp is speak softly but carry a big stick. I 100% subscribe to that camp. 100%.

Anyway, my point is, I am teasing you to light a fire to be transparent and show honesty. That goes A LONG WAY in a grassroots effort. I try to be as transparent as I can in my posts. That is all. I hope this clears that up.

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