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My official RaceChip thread -

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Ford ST

2000 Post Club
Pleasant Garden
So when did the $15 an hour push double to $30? That s definitely too high for sure.. I do know that if we based it on productivity compared to the minimum wage of the past it would be like $24 hr... I'm just saying at a certain point you have to get the very, very, top 1% putting money back in instead of hording it so that there are decent enough paying jobs that there doesn't have to be handouts. There has to be some middle ground we can find to make the economy work so that there are decent jobs so no little need for handouts.
I know you have me blocked but politically I could get along with you. Just not on the obsession with headlights.

Sent from my LG-LS997 using Tapatalk


3000 Post Club
Tigard, Oregon, USA
I know you have me blocked but politically I could get along with you. Just not on the obsession with headlights.
LOL, it's fine we all spend our money on different mods, I will always think it's a little weird that people will spend $5k in mods to their cars but can't drop $400 on good headlights, but to each their own on that... and no, not blocked any longer I just needed a little break after that tire thread, LOL.

Jackson, MO, USA
Thread Starter #205
I would like to agree that shouldn't have to be said but unfortunately it does.
People can be extremely cruel.

Sent from my LG-LS997 using Tapatalk
So you know, my wife currently works at a childrens hospital. If there is a man upstairs, she's got way more brownie points than me. Taking care of the most unfortunate in our country is something our family is very familiar with, i had a job working with DDD patients when i was in my early 20s in a private company.

The unfortunate thing is we as a society have to draw a line at some point. Most people are ok with the mentally challenged being helped, ect, but it seems like dems want to extend that "welfare" to regular people who just don't have motivation to work hard. In a perfect world everybody would have everything they want but that's not possible at this point so we gotta go with a meritocracy, it's the best we have for now.

A full on socialism system isn't going to work as we can see in so many socialist countries.


1000 Post Club
Premium Account
Dania Beach
So you know, my wife currently works at a childrens hospital. If there is a man upstairs, she's got way more brownie points than me. Taking care of the most unfortunate in our country is something our family is very familiar with, i had a job working with DDD patients when i was in my early 20s in a private company.

The unfortunate thing is we as a society have to draw a line at some point. Most people are ok with the mentally challenged being helped, ect, but it seems like dems want to extend that "welfare" to regular people who just don't have motivation to work hard. In a perfect world everybody would have everything they want but that's not possible at this point so we gotta go with a meritocracy, it's the best we have for now.

A full on socialism system isn't going to work as we can see in so many socialist countries.
I hear this on a spiritual level. I know too many people who rely on the government for their basic needs already. It goes along the thinking of "well if everyone just did what I wanted them to the world would be a better place". Okay well most people won't act in that way, and no one can control anyone else.

Socialism works until anyone wants more than the system can give. Oh you're 60 and wan't a knee replacement? Nah, you wont live long enough for us to see a return on investment, here are some pain management pills, and you can retire now. Nope, not for me. Go to Europe and ask them if they like how their countries have changed since the 80s.

Jackson, MO, USA
Thread Starter #207
And fair enough, I'm moderate left (middle of the road on at least with guns, being too PC and too many of certain regulations)

Again, being too PC is one thing but some of things he said or not said about shooting immigrants, telling US citizens to go back to where they came, really? And just too much shadiness surrounding deals with Russia and everything, even not provable as crimes, sorry, can't get behind him. At least Bush was a decent human being (with shady advisers/VP he trusted too much) that was at least respectful around the world. I just think at a certain point, if you love your country, then you should want it respected and not belittled around the world, we can be strong but also respectful and he goes way too far over the line on too many things.

Anyway, again just wanted to say I can respect personal political leanings, definitely not trying to incite anyone by saying they are wrong, just explain why I'm disappointed by Trump. I think too many on *both* sides gets sucked in too far or too right by the modern media when we need to be able to have civil discourse and compromise on basic things. They actually used to do this back before the internet and cable, it truly sucks how divided we are now! I PROMISE I won't go off-tropic any more, I was just hoping to speak my mind respectfully, we all have a great little fun car we all love and have in common, so at least we can have civil discourse on that, right? LOL
There was no "deal" with russia, not in the shady sense people on the left want to be true. Think about it, Russia is still a world power, they have nukes, if you were president would you really not talk to them? Is he supposed to put it on speak phone with the news crews there? The guy deals with all governments bc this is the US.

Did he talk to people in Russia before he was POTUS? Of course, he's a billionaire with properties there, business deals in hundreds of countries. As for the go back to where you came from thing, he was telling the congresswomen that if they don't like our government, to go back to their countries of origin and fix them how they want, rather than immigrating to our country and trying to change it.

This is the problem with so many on the left, when they don't like something they expect everybody else to be ok with changing it all up, like the voting system. Nobody said a word about the electoral college system till HRC won the pop vote and still lost to Trump, then it's bad and needs to be tossed out. When people keep moving goalposts and stomp their feet every time they lose at something, they lose any credibility.


6000 Post Club
Los Feliz (In the City of Angels)
So when did the $15 an hour push double to $30? That s definitely too high for sure.. I do know that if we based it on productivity compared to the minimum wage of the past it would be like $24 hr... I'm just saying at a certain point you have to get the very, very, top 1% putting money back in instead of hording it so that there are decent enough paying jobs that there doesn't have to be handouts. There has to be some middle ground we can find to make the economy work so that there are decent jobs so no little need for handouts.
It never did. He is speaking FOX news right wing propaganda. Lol $15 an hour which is being slow rolled here in California. I am not sure businesses can sustain it. Though its true wages except for tech and top executives have pretty much stagnated for the last 20 years.

Oh and the most ironic thing of all is Trump has the Republicans bamboozled. He was a solid Democrat for most of his adult life. He is a schtick man. He caters too the people that feed his ego. He never intended to become president it was all to create more publicity for himself to roll into another media venture. His electoral team did not expect him to be elected. When he won they were shocked, he was shocked and then decided well why not roll with it.

This might piss some people off but its the factual truth. If Obama and the Dems had stopped attacking the banks and Wall street in the last two years of his Presidency it might have been different. Everybody took part in the easy credit boom that caused all the shit that caused the great recession. It was not just the Banks and Wall street. Middle America willingly jumped on the easy credit band wagon. Second mortagage to buy another house or take a vacation? Sure why not, Sign the dotted line on a stated income loan that might have ballon payments no problem the real estate is going up up up.
Thats the truth and people did not want to accept responsibility and looked for scape goats and the obvious target was the Banks and Wall street. Whenever times are hard people want to blame it on that stuff.
So by doing that Obama and the Dems struck fear in the hearts of middle America sowed distrust which caused less investment and slow growth. Trump came along and catered to those fears. Said what people wanted to hear.
Remarkably similar to a rabble rouser in the 20’s who addressed a bankrupt Nation after world war promising all kinds of stuff ( outside of his hidden agenda)
Now I am not saying Trump is that bad he is not a genius he is actually kind of bumbling idiot who shows occasional bursts of semi intelligence.
Oh and geniuses can sociopaths just in case you are wondering.

Oh and he’s not a billionaire if he was he would let his taxes out like every other rich president before has. No if he let his taxes out it would we see he is probably a millionaire at best . Most of his deals have been unsuccessful except for getting paid for TV. He has survived quite a bit off the money he got from his father who was far more successful.
Though that about sums Trump up.

Jackson, MO, USA
Thread Starter #209
So when did the $15 an hour push double to $30? That s definitely too high for sure.. I do know that if we based it on productivity compared to the minimum wage of the past it would be like $24 hr... I'm just saying at a certain point you have to get the very, very, top 1% putting money back in instead of hording it so that there are decent enough paying jobs that there doesn't have to be handouts. There has to be some middle ground we can find to make the economy work so that there are decent jobs so no little need for handouts.
I think it came up in the DEM debates recently, but here's a link to one guy bringing it up from NJ.

“The minimum wage in San Francisco should probably be $30 an hour, OK? But the minimum wage in West Virginia or Arkansas is a different story,” said freshman Rep. Jefferson Van Drew."

I can say with certainty that if that happened for say, SF, the rest of Cali will follow as people burn cars and riot till they make $30/h at Burger king. You don't reward children for throwing tantrums, which is why we are in this mess in this country. And to be clear i agree the richest should have a limit, like no person should be able to horde more than say, a billion dollars. I mean who really needs more than that anyway?


1000 Post Club
Premium Account
The unfortunate thing is we as a society have to draw a line at some point. Most people are ok with the mentally challenged being helped, ect, but it seems like dems want to extend that "welfare" to regular people who just don't have motivation to work hard. In a perfect world everybody would have everything they want but that's not possible at this point so we gotta go with a meritocracy, it's the best we have for now.
But you're ok with entitlements for large corporations and lower tax rates on capital gains over income?

A full on socialism system isn't going to work as we can see in so many socialist countries.
Such as? Take a look at happiness throughout the world: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Happiness_Report . The 17 countries that have happier citizens than the US are, by most definitions, socialist. The Koch brothers sure do want you to believe the countries that provide more social services than do the US are failures, but people living in those countries don't seem to think so.


1000 Post Club
Premium Account
Go to Europe and ask them if they like how their countries have changed since the 80s.
I go there quite often and have many friends in Germany and France. The common thread seems to be that things are more expensive now but life is much, much better.

Jackson, MO, USA
Thread Starter #212
I hear this on a spiritual level. I know too many people who rely on the government for their basic needs already. It goes along the thinking of "well if everyone just did what I wanted them to the world would be a better place". Okay well most people won't act in that way, and no one can control anyone else.

Socialism works until anyone wants more than the system can give. Oh you're 60 and wan't a knee replacement? Nah, you wont live long enough for us to see a return on investment, here are some pain management pills, and you can retire now. Nope, not for me. Go to Europe and ask them if they like how their countries have changed since the 80s.
Yea that about sums it up. It's funny if you look at most of the people who want to tear down the "system", they are those who stand to benefit from a new system, many who are failing now and some who will be the new masters later (HRC...). The great Jordan Peterson said it in an interview once, when you are stuck at zero the best looking option is to flip over the game board and destroy the system, start a new "game".

This is exactly what we are seeing with so many millennials wearing masks and walking the streets. PC culture cradled them to the point they don't know how to succeed in real life, so now they see a terrible future for themselves and want to start over. I call myself personally liberal and parentally conservative. Children need guidance, discipline and boundaries. I think this is the biggest thing i disagree with on the left and IMO it's a big reason why so many people are at odds politically. PC culture is destroying our country.

Jackson, MO, USA
Thread Starter #215
But you're ok with entitlements for large corporations and lower tax rates on capital gains over income?

Such as? Take a look at happiness throughout the world: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Happiness_Report . The 17 countries that have happier citizens than the US are, by most definitions, socialist. The Koch brothers sure do want you to believe the countries that provide more social services than do the US are failures, but people living in those countries don't seem to think so.
Nobody asked me in that poll, so who did they ask? Polls are only as accurate as the people you ask are good representations of the overall population. You know the problem with polls? They are usually done in big cities so they have more people to ask, but that's a bias, usually towards liberal views bc libs tend to congregate together.

Polls are pretty useless, just ask Hillary. Landslide......

And no im not ok with large corporations hording money. But if they are operating within our laws, and they are not being immoral, i can't fault them. Like i said, lets put a cap on wealth, maybe then people would be more for helping the system instead of a never ending money grab.


1000 Post Club
Orlando, FL, USA
So you know, my wife currently works at a childrens hospital. If there is a man upstairs, she's got way more brownie points than me. Taking care of the most unfortunate in our country is something our family is very familiar with, i had a job working with DDD patients when i was in my early 20s in a private company.

The unfortunate thing is we as a society have to draw a line at some point. Most people are ok with the mentally challenged being helped, ect, but it seems like dems want to extend that "welfare" to regular people who just don't have motivation to work hard. In a perfect world everybody would have everything they want but that's not possible at this point so we gotta go with a meritocracy, it's the best we have for now.

A full on socialism system isn't going to work as we can see in so many socialist countries.
To be fair, a lot of those socialist countries were messed up because of the US. Guatemala, Vietnam, Brazil, Chile, Cuba, and Venezuela all had US involvement in their downfall due to multiple coups and sanctions.


1000 Post Club
Premium Account
So all the videos online are what, fakes with a bunch of actors?
Do you get your information from anywhere other than online videos? I think that this thread started with you asking the same question about the RaceChip. I shutter to think about your beliefs regarding the shape of the Earth or the downsides of vaccination.

Jackson, MO, USA
Thread Starter #219
That was debunked so many times you'd have to want to be misled in order to still believe it.
Tell that to the ambulance union of Sweden, who have spent millions on protective gear like bulletproof vests and helmets, and reinforced their ambulances, and require police escorts when entering "no-go zones". Either you are completely ignorant to the reality of the world, or you are dishonest and are lying. Wake up.


1000 Post Club
Premium Account
Nobody asked me in that poll, so who did they ask? Polls are only as accurate as the people you ask are good representations of the overall population. You know the problem with polls? They are usually done in big cities so they have more people to ask, but that's a bias, usually towards liberal views bc libs tend to congregate together.

Polls are pretty useless, just ask Hillary. Landslide......
You should watch "Behind the Curve." It examines how people chose to believe something and go through repeating self-deception to come to epiphanies that support their position rather than pragmatically and skeptically examining fact and data.

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