Why do I always find myself....

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I'm always finding an excuse to drive the snot out of the ST on on-ramps and off-ramps or quick sprints to 200 KPH! My commute to and from work is about 100kms (62 miles) for you Americans :) each day and I'd normally cruise at about 105 kph ( limit is 100kph). But every once in a while, I get annoyed with someone following too close or when someone catches up to me whilst I'm cruising and continue to follow behind me instead of passing[screwy][screwy]. I just drop down a couple of gears and speed away or at an on/off ramp will take the turn like Mario Andretti [deviltail][deviltail]

Why can't I just be left in peace to drive my ST at the speed limit and not be bothered by people in a hurry? Speed all you want, but do it in the lane I'm not in which is usually the right lane :)


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I do this A LOT.

I love when I am on the back roads and people want to tailgate me. I'm just minding my business, cruising at the speed limit and enjoying the car. That is until a turn comes up. I leave these people so far back with a huge smile on my face.

But as soon as the road is straight again... There they are! Right on me again.

It's like back off man.. You obviously can't hang where it actually counts.

I think people have an idea that our cars are just slow ass econobox's and they just feel the need to bully all the time. Especially SUV drivers. Oh well we always get the last laugh. Haha.

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I also get annoyed by that. And if I let them pass me, they just tailgate the next car. It amazes me how many bad drivers I see in the morning commute. I think you can observe these traits more often driving the FiST (small manual car which requires more concentration than your average automatic).

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It does seem that for whatever reason, regardless of the category of car, people seem to try to "beat" the ST. This phenomenon does not occur in any of my other cars, and has not been something I have recognized in the past. Soccer moms in people boxes get all aggressive and squeal tires off the line at lights. I don't get it. I don't know if it's people who think they must be able to beat the little shitbox or what.

We has a series of 'S' curves on the highway through the middle of town. This morning, an old SVT Focus 3 door latched on to me and we played a little squirt and weave until traffic got too heavy. This I understood, given the spiritual and familial link. But why are Subaru drivers so adamant about being in front? Are they all like that all the time and I am internalizing it, or is the ST creating a situation?

for instance, last summer a Camaro in heavy traffic was making such an effort to get in front of me... he just couldn't match me on that series of esses ,(seriously, I own those esses). I was way too agile and could fit into spaces at will; spaces that disappeared before he would have even known they were there, since you can't see a gee-dee thing out of that car.

Meanwhile, for some reason, I can't get a Focus ST driver to acknowledge my existence. They all stare straight ahead and pretend not to see me. Wonder if they are afraid of finding out that "little brother" is damn near equal in a straight line and a whole lot better dancer! And I have NEVER seen another FiST in the wild while driving my FiST.

Sorry, I had a Diet Coke at lunch and I'm all forum hyper. Middle age is a b*tch.

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Middle age here too, laughing at your post, nobody even knows I'm there around town, and then... I'm gone!! What???

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I've gotta admit that on and off ramps are always the fun part of my commute. And yes, if someone's on my ass going onto a ramp, it's not for long!!


2000 Post Club
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Nobody sees the FiST when I'm driving it, I think mostly because it looks too similar to the regular Fiesta. If I'm driving the FoST then I easily get at least one person a day that wants to play.

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I agree that we ( the fist drivers) are ignored as any kind of sportscar.
So to help other drivers realize that yes this is a capable car I put the "turbo" emblem from a veloster just under "Fiesta"
Now I get alot more looks and thumbs up. and yes more manly show of power in other cars.
Plus it just looks cool on My molten orange body color and matches the "ST"
